
王公的武德:摘译自Henri de Catt回忆录(1916,p53)



"Lentulus and Schwerin told you that I exposed myself too much ; and why should I not expose myself, when so manybrave people brave peril for me and for their country ? And, too, my dear sir,if you keep by me any length of time in this war, you will see that I mustexpose myself. Every prince who is compelled to make war and who does not share its danger is unworthy of any interest in his fate ; he covers himself with an indelible disgrace. I do not say, however, that a king should expose himself like a grenadier. He should never forget that he is the head of a body of men who place their confidence in his cleverness and in his prudence. He must take careof his days for their sake ; but if the danger is extreme, if he must sacrifice himself, his honour and intelligence will let him know the times when he should make this sacrifice, and he should not hesitate to offer it for the safety of the country and of his honour."

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